When a chance to save his ailing diner goes belly up, Onassis Hernandez, an émigré and single-father living in affluent Singapore, is pushed over the edge. He takes a motley group of citizens hostage in a designer bungalow and publicizes his act on Youtube. As the police and international media descend on the crime scene and riots break out in in the city, an increasingly desperate Onassis forces the situation to a violent, heart-stopping conclusion. “A nail-biting comedy thriller from one of Asia’s most exciting new directors” (Toronto International Film Festival), UNLUCKY PLAZA stars Adrian Pang, Judee Tan, Guo Liang, Shane Mardjuki and Filipino star Epy Quizon in a show-stopping performance as the beleaguered Onassis.
一个只想老老实实当个新加坡人的菲律宾新移民,一个月入百万的超级地产明星,一个红杏出墙的寂寞女教师,一个深陷不伦爱欲无法自拔的牧师,再加上一名穷凶极恶的中国籍大耳窿,在一栋豪宅里上演了一齣人质危机。人质事件迅速在网络扩散,在号称全球最安全城市的新加坡投下一颗震撼弹。出自郭智轩导演,备受争议的 Unlucky Plaza 《霉运大厦》,由 Epy Quizon ,彭耀顺和郭亮出演,是一部绝对让观众眼前一亮的新一代新加坡电影。